Posted December 9, 2019 at 08:31 am

BIG HOLIDAY SHIPPING ANNOUNCEMENT the cut off for standard shipping of domestic orders to arrive in time for Christmas is DECEMBER 10TH. That's Tuesday! Place your holiday orders now before it's too late! Or place them later and just get them, y'know, after Christmas. It won't be the end of the world.

Now, about them comics.

No, there's nothing wrong with your monitor or eyes.

Or, hell, maybe there is, how would I know?

But in the specific case of this here website and the comics we put upon it, the recent crop of black and white pages is entirely intentional.

It goes like this: we knew as far back as Ring of Fire that we were going to introduce Alan with a new crop of young Action Scientists in training. And that became Dawn of a New Era. As we worked out who these characters were, how they would get along, what sorts of hijinks they would create or fall into, Scott and I pitched each other little scenes. Just throwing cute moments or visuals at one another to see what we liked as Alan and the New Kids took shape.

It was stuff that we enjoyed and wanted to share with you folks, but it was also stuff that would make no sense in the midst of a regular volume. Particularly our next volume, Atomic Robo and the Vengeful Dead, which uh, hmmm, not to spoil anything but that sure doesn't sound like a nice relaxing romp.

So we're doing these Quickie Quomics. These Kwickie Komics. We're doing these simple comics to share a bunch of scenes of Alan, the New Kids, Robo, and the rest hanging out around Tesladyne. These are totally canonical. Orientation, for example, takes place maybe an hour after the final page of Dawn of a New Era. They'll be short stories, most of them are only four pages. They're sketchy, black and white, and use minimal backgrounds so we can make them without interrupting our regular production schedule.

So, sit back and enjoy.

Posted December 2, 2019 at 12:05 pm

Black Friday was so last week, but the sales don't have to stop.

Hit up our online store to get 20% off every book from now until December 10th. But December 2nd, that's today, is the last day you can get FREE SHIPPING ON ANY ORDER OVER $50!

Posted November 29, 2019 at 10:30 am

We've got some specials in the ol' online store today only.

You can get The Fightin' Scientists of Tesladyne and The Dogs of War for just $30 total (just pick the bundle option from either link)!

FOR BLACK FRIDAY ONLY, Mystery Shirts are marked down to just $10; Mugs are only $5; And Plush Robo Heads are a mere $20!

You'd be a fool not to take advantage of these deals. Oh, and shipping is free for orders over $50 between November 29th and December 2nd. Which, come to think of it, might be hard to pull off with all these discounts, but just throw hardcovers into your shopping cart until you make it! P.S. the hardcovers are on sale too! Just $20 each. Tesladyne Field Guides are down to $5. ULTRA Field Manuals are only $10.

It's pure insanity here. Don't be a wishy washy nerd with morals, take advantage of our disordered thinking and buy this stuff before we fix these prices!

Posted October 2, 2019 at 10:39 am

Hello, everyone. Welcome to the fifth and final issue of Atomic Robo and the Dawn of a New Era. Hope you’re enjoying and also terrified for Alan. We can promise that it works out. I mean, everything does one way or another. Birthday parties work out. Extinction events work out.

That’s the Atomic Robo promise — you’ll get something between a birthday party and the end of life as we know it.

In fact, this week we can combine the fun of getting stuff and the existential dread of total doom because it’s New York Comiccon! This year you’ll find Scott Wegener at Table G-32 in Artists Alley next to our friends Chalk Please, Ain’t for Rent, Not Dunked Enough, Nights Errand, and Jimmy Wonderful.

What’s that? You can’t get yourself to NYCC? Well, have we got a deal for you. And the deal is you can save 10% off any purchase from our online store between Oct 2nd and 7th by using coupon code NYCC19 at checkout!

Everything is discounted from science nerd shirts to tabletop RPGs or hardcover collections or anything else! It can be yours for 10% off with NYCC19! Get to it!

Posted August 2, 2019 at 02:14 pm

Boy oh boy, we keep adding stuff to the online store. And we’re pretty excited about our latest addition. Check it!

This is only available for pre-order! It’s the perfect cloth armor to protect the meat avatar of a nerd in your life. Doubly so if that nerd is you.

And be sure to take advantage of Going Back to School Sale. Up to 30% off select items. Specifically these —

ULTRA Field Manual — This manual provides basic doctrinal discussion on the organization and operations of TFU and contains compartmentalized information essential to the security of physical constants, sustainability of life upon the Earth, and stability of the Solar System as well as Alternative Minkowski-Viable Spaces (AMVS) local to or intersecting with the Solar System.

Tesladyne Field Guide — This manual is for all employees, contractors, interns, staff, and innocent bystanders of Tesladyne.

Tesladyne Mug — Drink from the corporate chalice and be granted ETERNAL* LIFE!

*some conditions may apply

Posted July 29, 2019 at 11:55 am

Dunno if you’ve seen our online store lately but there is a metric boatload of new items for you to check out.

First up did you know you can get the official Atomic Robo RPG with the Majestic 12 supplement at an absurdly deep discount price? Both of these books are out of print and supplies are limited. Get them before they’re all gone!

We’ve got the Tesladyne Labs patch. It’s cute. You sew it onto things.

There’s also the ULTRA patch. It’s menacing. It sews itself onto things and you don’t ask why.

You want stickers? How about two of them — The Evolution of Robo and Our Friend the Atomic Robot.

And of course there’s the hardcover edition of Atomic Robo and the Spectre of Tomorrow.

Posted July 10, 2019 at 09:31 am

We got some new goodies in ye olde onlinee storee.

First up there’s the Spectre of Tomorrow print set featuring the cover for the trade paperback, the hardcover, and every issue including our infamous and bizarre toilet issue.

Next up there’s the Sticker Pack featuring a She-Devil, a Doctor Dinosaur, a Sparrow, and a dead Robo because...? Don't question it.

And, lastly, there is no better way to present your security credentials than to hang them from your very own officially licensed Tesladyne Lanyard.

And, hey, why not pick up a book or twelve while you’re at it?

Posted June 21, 2019 at 11:33 am

You know the drill, folks!

We’ll be at ALA this weekend. You can catch Scotty McWegener there all day every day like the marathoner he is, but Brian O’Clevy will be there from noon to close on Saturday and all day Sunday.

Swing by Table 3951 in Ye Olde Artiste Alleye. If you find the big IDW booth, we’re right behind ‘em! We’ll have hardcovers, Tesladyne branded school supplies, prints, and more!

Posted June 5, 2019 at 02:11 pm

Our online store is back and you can check it out right now clicky click click! Our new warehouse and new storefront provided by the fine folks at DFTBA offers more and better shipping options including less expensive shipping for you international customers! Give it a look and celebrate the new store with coupon code TESLALAUNCH19 to get 10% off your purchase.

Meanwhile we’ll be at ALA in Washington DC June 20 - 25th. You can find us at Table 3951. MAP —

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